
Archive for September, 2008

Back in the saddle again?

Thank you all so much for the thoughts and prayers.  I have no doubt my grandma is watching over me and my family now and is in a better place.

Around here, it’s been chaos, craziness, and virtually non-stop activity.  School started at the end of August and we’ve all been gogogogogogo ever since.

We’ve had ‘playdates’ (for the record, I hate that term with an unbridled passion!)


We’ve spent some good sibling time in the sandbox:

playing in the sand

Played a little Peek-A-Boo:


We’ve made a new friend:


And turned the cat into a freak:


Ok, maybe that’s a stretch… he was already a freak. Poor Rocky has a coat long enough to create mats and tufts of fur that were terrible. Being the perfect mom that I am (winkwink) the cat’s fur became too matted to brush and we had to bite the bullet and have him shaved. Thankfully, it went well and he’ll have the majority of his fur back by the time the cold weather really hits.

T is playing soccer once again and is getting better, putting out more effort, and seems to excel at the keeper position.  Funny because that’s what I played until I hit high school and there were larger, more capable girls than I to fill the goal.

Magnet Ball, at it's best

E started preschool with a new teacher and much larger class.  Last year was a struggle, with tears (or very near) almost every day.  This year began with her shaking my hand off hers so she could run into class!  What a difference a summer makes!  Here she is on her first day:


My friend had her baby… a boy named Connor! I managed to get her socks to her just in the nick of time. I’d like to believe the baby was waiting for me to give all the goodies to his mommy, but I know that’s just a little nutty of me. 🙂

I’ve also started my new ‘position’ as the hot lunch mom.  I knew that would be time-intensive, but truly didn’t comprehend just how consuming it would be.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining… just marveling at my inability to predict how busy this position would make me.  Add to that the parent contact information/directory, two months’ lunch orders, curriculum night, the upcoming school auction display boards, promised knitted auction items, and an inadvertent volunteering to help another mom take photos of all the kids at the school to be offered for purchase at the auction in November… Well, suffice it to say I’ve been plenty busy so as not to blog nor knit for blogging fodder. I have, however, finished my long-suffering Central Park (un)Hoodie. The pictures suck, but I like how it turned out.

CPH in wool ease
CPH in wool ease

Pattern: Central Park Hoodie, KnitScene Fall 2006

Yarn: Wool Ease in Azalea Pink, ~6 balls

Needles: US7 & US8

Started: March 26, 2008

Finished: September 8, 2008

What can I say? I love this pattern. I’d like to make this cardigan in every color and every wool known to knitter-kind. It’s comfy and cozy and easy, but challenging enough to stay excited about knitting it. Once again, I modified by knitting at a tighter gauge, so I followed the 44″ instruction and it came out just right for wearing over a tshirt. Please ignore the frumpy bumpy look in the photos. I’ve only gained 5 pounds since this time last year, but apparently they’ve all migrated to exactly the worst places when I have pics taken of me. Go figure. I also skipped the hood because I just don’t ever wear them. They bunch up behind me in the car and lay weird when I’m walking along. I just don’likem. So I knit a collar… Button bands first, then the collar. I would not be surprised at all if I knit another of these before long. Sad, isn’t it? 😉

So there you go.  The last 2.5 weeks in a nutshell.  I’m not honestly expecting to be back here in the coming weeks, but you just never know.  All the things I’ve volunteered for are seemingly all over the first two months of school.  With luck, things will calm down a lot in about 6 weeks.  I hope. For now, we’re planning on another soccer game tomorrow… if the rain stops and the fields aren’t too saturated. Truth be told, I hope the game’s rescheduled. Terrible of me, huh? We’ve got one make-up game written into the schedule, so it wouldn’t be the end of the world.

I hope you all enjoy your weekend!

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This is the last photo I have of you,

but it’s the most perfect I could choose

because you’re holding my firstborn son

in the presence of all family.

I am so very glad I was able to ‘meet’ you as an adult,

to enjoy chats about needlework and crafting and being a mom.

Thank you.

You will be missed, more than you know.

I love you, grandma.

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